Reasons to Avoid DIY Asbestos Removal
Asbestos is a very dangerous substance that causes serious health problems for anyone who has been exposed to it. Studies of people who have spent time around asbestos have shown that asbestos exposure leads to an increased risk of lung
Lead paint removal – What are your options
Exposure to lead paint can cause significant health problems for you and your family. Many homes built between the 1960s and 1990s were painted using this material. When left alone the risk is rather low, but once the paint starts
Different types of mold in your home
What are the different types of mold ? Did you know that there are more than 100,000 different strains of mold that have been identified by researchers? Each of these strains falls into one or more of three categories: Allergenic
How to remove asbestos: What you need to know
Phase 001 | Finding Asbestos Finding asbestos within a home is an incredible inconvenience for homeowners as the removal process isn’t as clear-cut as it may seem. Although the production of asbestos has been illegal for a few decades now, it